ATLAS Awards

Winners of the ATLAS Thesis Awards 2023 at the award ceremony on 15 February 2024. (Image: K.Anthony / ATLAS Experiment © 2024 CERN)

Recipients of the ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Awards 2024. (Image: Y. Tsouflidis / ATLAS Collaboration © 2024 CERN)

ATLAS Thesis Awards

The ATLAS Collaboration has over 5500 members in over 180 institutions around the globe. But, did you know that over 1000 of these members are PhD students? Students contribute strongly and critically to all areas of the experiment while learning valuable skills for their degrees. The ATLAS Thesis Awards are selected annually by a dedicated committee to recognise outstanding contributions in the context of PhD theses.

Outstanding Achievement Awards

The Outstanding Achievement Awards give recognition to excellent contributions made to the collaboration. Nominations come from across the collaboration, in areas such as technical coordination, detector systems, as well as activity areas including upgrade, combined performance and outreach. Winners are selected annually by the Collaboration Board Chair Advisory Group.