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ATLAS Virtual Visits
A Virtual Visit is a live video connection by a group (typically a classroom) to the ATLAS Experiment at CERN. A guide, who is a scientist or an engineer working on the experiment, meets visitors from the control room or (during planned LHC shutdowns) from the detector underground.
During a Virtual Visit, guides will
- Introduce themselves and describe their work in particle physics.
- Present CERN, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and the ATLAS experiment, including its goals and accomplishments.
- Invite questions from the audience.
We recommend audiences prepare questions ahead of time. This can be facilitated by viewing this introductory video.
Group Virtual Visits
Groups of at least 10 visitors (such as classrooms) can schedule their own visit by completing this form.
Upcoming Virtual Visits
A Escola de Verão ICTP-SAIFR para Jovens Físicos, organizada pelo professor Lucas David Feitosa (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-Unesp/ETEC Albert Einstein/Colégio Santa Marcelina), possibilita a participação de alunos do ensino médio num projeto imersivo em tópicos da física. Neste contexto, uma visita virtual a sala de controle do experimento ATLAS, na linha de feixes do LHC no CERN, na fronteira Franco-Suíça, será proposta aos alunos visando uma maior integração com a física de partículas. A visita será organizada no IFP-Unesp - Campus SP pelo professor Lucas e pelo pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN/ATLAS) em Genebra no dia 23 as 8:00 da manha do Brasil. The ICTP-SAIFR Summer School for Young Physicists, organized by Professor Lucas David Feitosa (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-Unesp/ETEC Albert Einstein/Colégio Santa Marcelina), allows high school students to participate in an immersive project on physics topics. In this context, a virtual visit to the control room of the ATLAS experiment, in the LHC beam line at CERN, on the Franco-Swiss border, will be offered to students aiming at greater integration with particle physics. The visit will be organized at IFP-Unesp - Campus SP by Professor Lucas and researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN/ATLAS)
This Virtual visit for middle school-age kids (11-14) as part of a hybrid particle physics workshop
It will be a once in a lifetime opportunity for our students to visit the faculties of CERN virtually
No próximo dia 30 de janeiro, durante a EXPOTEC – Exposição Científica, Tecnológica e Cultural – do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) Campus Natal-Central, teremos a palestra "Mergulhando no Infinitesimal - O Clube de Ciência CNAT e a Jornada pelo LHC e o Experimento ATLAS" apresentada pelo Clube de Ciência do IFRN, que em dezembro de 2024 viajou ao CERN para uma visita técnica. A atividade será complementada por uma Visita Virtual ao Experimento ATLAS, coordenada no Brasil pelos professores Amadeu Albino (IFRN/INCT-CERN-Brasil/IPPOG-Brasil) e Glória Albino (IFRN/INCT-CERN-Brasil), auxiliados pelas alunas Amanda Sousa (Geologia) e Rebeka de Oliveira (Geologia), e pelo pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN/ATLAS) na sala de controle da experiência. On January 30th, during the EXPOTEC – Scientific, Technological and Cultural Exhibition – of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) Natal-Central Campus, we will have the lecture "Diving into the Infinitesimal - The CNAT Science Club and the Journey through the LHC and the ATLAS Experiment" presented by the IFRN Science Club, which in December 2024 traveled to CERN for a technical visit. The activity will be complemented by a Virtual Visit to the ATLAS Experiment, coordinated in Brazil by professors Amadeu Albino (IFRN/INCT-CERN-Brazil/IPPOG-Brazil) and Glória Albino (IFRN/INCT-CERN-Brazil), assisted by the students Amanda Sousa (Geology) and Rebeka de Oliveira (Geology), and by researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN/ATLAS) in the experiment control room.
This Virtual visit for high school-age students as part of a hybrid workshop on particle physics
Open Virtual Visits
We also schedule periodic open visits that can be joined by individuals or small groups. You can find them in the list on this page. Select the Open Virtual Visit of the date/time/language that best fits, click on it and register.