
In conversation with Ana Henriques Correia, a key player in the development of the ATLAS Calorimeter

Ana Henriques arrived at CERN in 1988 as a summer student, and never wanted to leave. She assumed the roles of technical coordinator and project leader of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter, being involved in its design, construction, and installation processes.

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In conversation with Kevin Einsweiler, an instrumental voice in ATLAS upgrades

Kevin Einsweiler is a senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL). He joined the ATLAS Collaboration in 1993, playing an instrumental role in bringing US institutes into the LHC programme. He served as ATLAS Pixel Project Leader (2005-2009), Physics Coordinator (2011-2013) and Upgrade Coordinator (2014-2019).

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In conversation with John Rutherfoord, a leading designer of the ATLAS Calorimeter

John P. Rutherfoord is a professor at the University of Arizona and a long-standing member of the ATLAS Collaboration. His extensive career has taken him from searching for the Upsilon particle at Fermilab to CERN to leading the design and development of the ATLAS Forward Calorimeter.

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In conversation with Claudia Gemme, an influential voice in ATLAS detector upgrades

Claudia Gemme, researcher at INFN in Genova, has had a varied career with the ATLAS Collaboration. From her work on the construction and commissioning of the ATLAS Pixel detector, to a career in physics analysis and the ATLAS Publication Committee, she now leads a key upgrade of the ATLAS detector: the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk).

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In conversation with Philippe Farthouat, a driving force behind ATLAS electronics

Philippe Farthouat has played a critical role in electronics development since the beginning of ATLAS, from design and prototyping to testing and installation. He has been the overall ATLAS electronics coordinator since 1999.

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In conversation with Masaya Ishino, a key player behind ATLAS' successful Run 2

Masaya Ishino is a researcher and professor with the University of Tokyo. He joined the ATLAS Collaboration in 2001, and has been instrumental to the development, construction and operation of the muon spectrometer. Masaya was elected ATLAS Run Coordinator in 2017, playing a key role in the record-breaking Run 2 operation.

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In conversation with Zachary Marshall, a leading voice in the search for new physics

Simulation and supersymmetry, two things that have defined Zachary Marshall’s career. Zach is a researcher with Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. He is currently the co-convener of the ATLAS Supersymmetry group, leading the team searching for supersymmetry and all its various manifestations, building on his previous work as convenor of the ATLAS Simulation group.

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In conversation with Martine Bosman, a pioneer of ATLAS hadronic calorimetry

Martine Bosman is one of the pioneers behind the Tile Calorimeter. Over her long career with the Collaboration, she has held several key roles: from convenor of the Radiation Task Force and the Top Quark Group to Collaboration Board Chair.

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In conversation with Nick Ellis, one of the architects of the ATLAS trigger

A long-standing member of the ATLAS Collaboration, CERN physicist Nick Ellis was one of the original architects of the ATLAS Trigger. Working in the 1980s and 1990s, Nick led groups developing innovative ways to move and process huge quantities of data for the next generation of colliders. It was a challenge some thought was impossible to meet. Nick currently leads the CERN ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition Group and shared his wealth of experience as a key part of the ATLAS Collaboration.

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