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ATLAS Virtual Visits
A Virtual Visit is a live video connection by a group (typically a classroom) to the ATLAS Experiment at CERN. A guide, who is a scientist or an engineer working on the experiment, meets visitors from the control room or (during planned LHC shutdowns) from the detector underground.
During a Virtual Visit, guides will
- Introduce themselves and describe their work in particle physics.
- Present CERN, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and the ATLAS experiment, including its goals and accomplishments.
- Invite questions from the audience.
We recommend audiences prepare questions ahead of time. This can be facilitated by viewing this introductory video.
Group Virtual Visits
Groups of at least 10 visitors (such as classrooms) can schedule their own visit by completing this form.
Upcoming Virtual Visits
On 22nd of November, the Fundação Educacional Inaciana Padre Sabóia de Medeiros (FEI), Campus São Bernardo dos Campos, in the State of São Paulo will participate on a Virtual Visit with the ATLAS Experiment in the LHC beam line at CERN, Switzerland. The students will be able to see parts of the detector and discuss with experts. The visit is coordinated in Brazil by professor Marcia Begalli (UERJ) and by the researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/ATLAS) in Switzerland from the ATLAS Control Room at 8 pm Switzerland time. No dia 22 de novembro, a Fundação Educacional Inaciana Padre Sabóia de Medeiros (FEI), Campus São Bernardo dos Campos, no Estado de São Paulo participará de uma Visita Virtual com o Experimento ATLAS na linha de feixe do LHC no CERN, Suíça. Os alunos poderão ver partes do detector e discutir com especialistas. A visita é coordenada no Brasil pela professora Marcia Begalli (UERJ) e pelo pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/ATLAS) na Suíça da Sala de Controle ATLAS às 16h, horário do Brasil.
The Federal University of Maranhão is working on a Master Classe with the data from the LHC being analysed by its students. To complement the activity, the group will virtually visit the ATLAS experiment control room to discuss about the experiment, its current searches with experts working on the detector. The visit is organised in Brazil by the professor Nelson Barelo from the Federal Fluminense University and Denis Oliveira Damazio (ATLAS/BNL) at CERN, Switzerland. A Universidade Federal do Maranhão está trabalhando em uma Master Classe com os dados do LHC sendo analisados por seus alunos. Para complementar a atividade, o grupo visitará virtualmente a sala de controle do experimento ATLAS para discutir sobre o experimento, suas pesquisas atuais com especialistas trabalhando no detector. A visita é organizada no Brasil pelo professor Nelson Barelo da Universidade Federal Fluminense e Denis Oliveira Damazio (ATLAS/BNL) do CERN, Suíça.
This virtual visit is specifically designed for 9th-grade students, aged 14 to 15 years old.
Virtual Visit of the Federal Technical School (CEFET) Maria da Graça, Rio de Janeiro at the COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ( to the ATLAS Experiment at CERN/Switzerland. The students will be able to view parts of the detector as well as interact with experts on the field. The visit will be coordinated by Professor Micael Veríssimo de Araújo in Brazil and Researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL) in the ATLAS Control room. Visita Virtual do CEFET Maria da Graça na COPPE/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ( ao Experimento ATLAS no CERN/Suiça. Os estudantes poderão ver partes do detector assim como interagir com especialistas no campo. A Visita será coordenada pela Professora Micael Veríssimo de Araújo no Brasil e o Pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL) na sala de controle do detector ATLAS.
On November 28th, the students from Centro Paula Souza - Fatec - Professor Wilson Roberto Ribeiro de Camargo, in Tatuí, São Paulo State will participate on a Virtual Visit with the ATLAS Experiment in the LHC beam line at CERN, Switzerland. These students will see parts of the detector and discuss with experts in place about the experiment and physics The visit is coordinated in Brazil by the professors Marcia Begalli (UERJ), Pedro Rosa (Fatec/Tatuí), Professor Alberto Moreau (Federal Institute of Itapetininga) and in Switzerland by the researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/ATLAS). No dia 28 de novembro, os alunos do Centro Paula Souza - Fatec - Professor Wilson Roberto Ribeiro de Camargo, em Tatuí, São Paulo, participarão de uma Visita Virtual com o Experimento ATLAS na linha do feixe do LHC no CERN, Suíça. Esses alunos verão partes do detector e discutirão com especialistas locais sobre a experiência e física. A visita é coordenada no Brasil pelos professores Marcia Begalli (UERJ), Pedro Rosa (Fatec/Tatuí), Professor Alberto Moreau (Instituto Federal de Itapetininga) e na Suíça pelo pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/ATLAS).
Open Virtual Visits
We also schedule periodic open visits that can be joined by individuals or small groups. You can find them in the list on this page. Select the Open Virtual Visit of the date/time/language that best fits, click on it and register.