ATLAS Higgs Search Update
31 July 2012 | By

On 31 July, 2012, the ATLAS Experiment submitted a scientific paper describing the discovery of a new particle consistent with the Higgs Boson to the journal Physics Letters B.
The paper gives the details of the analyses behind the results presented at the 4 July CERN announcement and the ICHEP conference, and also includes analysis of the H->WW channel with the 2012 data. The significance of observation is thus increased to 5.9 sigma. The mass of the new particle is measured as 126.0 ±0.4±0.4 GeV.
ATLAS concentrated its efforts with the early 2012 data on three complementary decay channels which are each described in the extended letter, with the Higgs decaying to two photons, or to four leptons, or to two leptons with missing energy. The combined result incorporates information from the earlier 2011 data analyses and establishes the discovery of a new fundamental particle.