ATLAS in the Land of the Rising Sun for HCP 2012
9 November 2012 | By

From November 12th to November 16th, more than 250 particle physicists are gathering in Kyoto, Japan to share their latest results. One of the key international particle physics conferences of the year, the Hadron Collider Physics Symposium 2012 (HCP 2012), will take place this year in the Land of the Rising Sun.
The ATLAS Experiment will be well represented: 55 ATLAS physicists are flying to Japan to divulge the most recent ATLAS results. Thanks to the excellent work of the accelerator team and the efficient operation of the ATLAS detector, the amount of 2012 data collected has more than doubled since the ICHEP summer conference.
Many of the analyses presented in Kyoto benefit from both the increased statistics and improved analysis techniques to yield new and exciting results. For example, ATLAS physicists hope to be able to tell you more about the Higgs-like boson that was discovered in July. But Higgs searches, as exciting and profound they are, are only a fraction of the physics results that will be presented at HCP. Updates will be provided across the broad ATLAS physics program: from the more known world (Standard Model, B-Physics, Top, Heavy Ions) to the more unknown world (SUSY, and Exotic searches).
A listing of the analyses being presented can be found here.
At the conference, the ATLAS physicists will not only share the fruits of their labors, but also exchange and debate ideas with colleagues from other experiments. Over coffee – or perhaps Japanese tea – they will also brainstorm thoughts and dreams for the future of particle physics. Follow the social networks: Twitter (#HCP2012), Facebook, and Google+ to discover the latest ATLAS findings from HCP 2012 and learn about the tiniest building blocks of our Universe!