No próximo dia 30 de janeiro, durante a EXPOTEC – Exposição Científica, Tecnológica e Cultural – do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) Campus Natal-Central, teremos a palestra "Mergulhando no Infinitesimal - O Clube de Ciência CNAT e a Jornada pelo LHC e o Experimento ATLAS" apresentada pelo Clube de Ciência do IFRN, que em dezembro de 2024 viajou ao CERN para uma visita técnica. A atividade será complementada por uma Visita Virtual ao Experimento ATLAS, coordenada no Brasil pelos professores Amadeu Albino (IFRN/INCT-CERN-Brasil/IPPOG-Brasil) e Glória Albino (IFRN/INCT-CERN-Brasil), auxiliados pelas alunas Amanda Sousa (Geologia) e Rebeka de Oliveira (Geologia), e pelo pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN/ATLAS) na sala de controle da experiência. On January 30th, during the EXPOTEC – Scientific, Technological and Cultural Exhibition – of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) Natal-Central Campus, we will have the lecture "Diving into the Infinitesimal - The CNAT Science Club and the Journey through the LHC and the ATLAS Experiment" presented by the IFRN Science Club, which in December 2024 traveled to CERN for a technical visit. The activity will be complemented by a Virtual Visit to the ATLAS Experiment, coordinated in Brazil by professors Amadeu Albino (IFRN/INCT-CERN-Brazil/IPPOG-Brazil) and Glória Albino (IFRN/INCT-CERN-Brazil), assisted by the students Amanda Sousa (Geology) and Rebeka de Oliveira (Geology), and by researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN/ATLAS) in the experiment control room.
Visit Title
Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte campus Central - EXPOTEC
Open Visit
Visit Date & Time (CERN)
Thu, 30 Jan 2025, 15:00
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