Michael Kobel

Michael Kobel

Michael Kobel is a full professor at TU Dresden and is currently head of the Institute for Particle Physics and Dean of Studies in the Dept. of Physics. He is a member of the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN, having worked before in six high energy physics experiments at four laboratories.  Since 2005 he has been project leader of IPPOG’s “International Masterclasses” and project leader of the German “Netzwerk Teilchenwelt” since 2010,  two initiatives bringing basic science to the public.

Unread section opened in the Standard Model book

While others are worrying that new physics might be running out of corners (see Eve Le Ménédeu's blog) we should not forget that even within the book of the Standard Model there are completely unread chapters. The Standard Model draws its success from the fascinating fact that its basic energy density formula, called Lagrangian, is uniquely defined by just specifying three fundamental symmetries.

30 March 2014