Submitted by Steven Goldfarb on
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The 18th edition of BergamoScienza
Visit Date & Time (CERN)
Mon, 05 Oct 2020, 16:30
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<!-- Replace default by booking form content --><p><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:12.0pt" xml:lang="EN-US"><span style="font-family:&quot;Cambria&quot;,serif">The 18th edition of BergamoScienza, the scientific divulgation festival organized by the BergamoScienza Association, will be held from Saturday 3 to Sunday 18 October 2020 with a special edition, all digital and with a new format. The BergamoScienza Festival is a scientific divulgation event born in 2003 from the intuition and willingness of a group of friends, the Founding Members, which every year involves the city and the province of Bergamo in a program full of initiatives that explore scientific and technologies from the most varied fields. The main purpose is to make science accessible to all, especially young people and schools, so that they can improve and perfect their technical-scientific training and increase their interests. Three are the most important peculiarities: the approach used in addressing and comparing the various issues, made available also to a non-specialist public; the free admission for all events; the extraordinary participation of schools, teachers and students in particular, in the organization of numerous scientific exhibits. For the first two weeks of October, the city of Bergamo becomes the setting of an event that has international resonance and offers conferences, exhibitions, workshops, shows and much more. In the previous editions of the Festival, BergamoScienza had the extraordinary opportunity to host Nobel Prizes and prestigious researchers and experts from various scientific fields: chemistry, physics, medicine, mathematics, engineering, astronomy, neuroscience, etc. </span></span></p>
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