Submitted by Steven Goldfarb on
Visit Title
Al Quds University
Visit Date & Time (CERN)
Mon, 14 Apr 2014, 12:30
Visitor Location

Al Quds

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Visit Description

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<!-- Replace default by booking form content --><p>ATLAS virtual visit features Al-Quds University, a Palestinian university with campuses in Abu Dis and Beit Hanina-Jerusalem. As part of the "Physics Without Frontiers" project, funded by ICTP, Al-Quds is hosting a one day particle physics masterclass. During the day the students are given an introduction to particle physics, the LHC and the ATLAS Experiment, before having the chance to analyse real LHC data. This virtual visit comprises of a live tour around the ATLAS control room and the opportunity to ask questions to the ATLAS physicists.</p>
<p>Al-Quds Physics has active research in accelerators, biophysics, laser, nuclear &amp; particle, plasma, and solid state. A new collaboration is underway Forschungszentrum Jülich in spintronics, bioelectronics Alquds Physics is involved in the regional synchrotron SESAME in Jordan. Members include nine states from the region and over 10 observers worldwide. SESAME was established a long the same philosophy behind building CERN.</p>
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