Submitted by Steven Goldfarb on
Visit Title
Barr's Hill School
Visit Date & Time (CERN)
Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 12:15
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Visit Description

<p> </p>
<!-- Replace default by booking form content --><p>Students will have the opportunity to consider their aspirations and career development through a 'Professionals Day' where they will interact with professionals from the fields of law, science, medicine and engineering. Many of these professionals are ex-Barr's Hill students to showcase the excellent career paths they have carved out for themselves after leaving school.</p>
<!-- Video: 1.fix CDS tag / 2.uncomment iframe line / 3. text format must be Full HTML --><!-- <p><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="; width="640"></iframe>--&gt;</p> --><p> </p>

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