The ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Award winners for 2020 are:
Laetitia Bardo (CERN), Marie-Solene Teurnier (CERN) and Laure Tranchand (CERN) for outstanding contributions and dedication to the safety of ATLAS, especially in 2020.
Susumu Oda (Kyushu University) for outstanding contributions to ATLAS software, notably the multithreaded migration of Athena.
Ewelina Maria Lobodinska (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY) for outstanding contributions to the development of Monte Carlo generator software in the Athena framework.
Clément Camincher (CERN), Adriana Milic (University of Toronto) and Nikiforos Nikiforou (University of Texas at Austin) for outstanding contributions to the operation and performance of the Liquid Argon Calorimeter.
Elodie Deborah Resseguie (University of Pennsylvania and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Shion Chen (University of Pennsylvania), George Ian Dyckes (University of Pennsylvania), Khilesh Pradip Mistry (University of Pennsylvania), Daniil Ponomarenko (National Research Nuclear University/MEPhI), Vincent Wong (University of British Columbia) and Keisuke Yoshihara (University of Pennsylvania) for outstanding contributions to the DAQ upgrades and commissioning directed to the TRT operation at high occupancy and trigger rates.
Toshi Sumida (Kyoto University), Tomomi Kawaguchi (Nagoya University), Junpei Maeda (Kobe University), Júlio Vieira de Souza (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora) for outstanding contributions to the reduction of the Level-1 muon endcap trigger rates.
Danijela Bogavac (IFAE) for outstanding contributions to the Tile Calorimeter maintenance and commissioning activities in LS2.
George Iakovidis (Brookhaven National Laboratory) for outstanding contributions to the development of front-end electronics and readout for the New Small Wheel detector.