ATLAS Experiment Reports Its First Physics Results from the LHC
The first physics results from the ATLAS Experiment with proton-proton collisions at an energy of 0.9 TeV in late 2009 have now been accepted for publication in the journal Physics Letters B.
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3 Firsts for ATLAS in 2010
It has been a BUSY weekend! The LHC has been working around the clock get the machine commissioned, and ATLAS has been enjoying the many Firsts that have resulted.
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ATLAS celebrating the International Women's day!
Today ATLAS celebrates the role of women in physics its own way. ATLAS has encouraged its staff and users to place as many women as possible on shift in the control room and to serve as guides for official visits.
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Jim Degenhardt
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A titan awakes
At approximately 2:40 am Central European Time, ATLAS saw particles from the LHC for the first time in 2010. As in previous LHC turn-on periods the first thing we see are beam splashes from the LHC beams as they slowly thread the beam through the LHC ring for the first time.
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The calm before the storm
The Control Room is quiet. The configurations are set. The trigger menu is uploaded. The shifters are ready. All that is left is for the LHC to deliver beam.
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Gearing-up for the 2010 run!
ATLAS has been taking cosmic rays data this month exercising new features of the data acquisition, including protocols to start and control the run.
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Rolf Seuster
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Germán Carrillo
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First Integrated Run in 2010
Today ATLAS has started the integrated runs. This has happened before, nevertheless this is the first time ATLAS subdetectors get together after the winter break, a lot of work has been done since then.
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François Butin
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Attila Krasznahorkay
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All Bunched Up!
High Energy Physicists have been waiting for many years to see the LHC turn on. Now that it has been turned on, the network of physicists around the world have quickly been harnessed. It can be considered a phase transition in particle physics.
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Thorsten Wengler
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More collisions at 2.36 TeV
This early morning Dec.14 at 2.40, after a 8 minutes ramp, the energy of the two LHC beams has been brought up to 1.18 TeV again.
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Just a taste
At 21:32 pm on December 8th, the LHC did something that no other accelerator has ever done before.
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ATLAS increases its active channel count by one order of magnitude
On Sunday December 6, 2009 at 8.00 the ATLAS Pixel Detector has measured, for the first time, tracks emerging from LHC collisions. It has been a very smooth start.
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First collisions with the pixel detector
It's been a busy weekend for ATLAS. Last night, well, actually early this morning, we received the "stable beam" flag from the LHC.
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Tapas Sarangi
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First collisions in ATLAS
A few days ago, loud cheers and happy faces filled the ATLAS Control Room while the whole detector lit up: protons are back at the experiment's door, and everybody forgot in a second the long year of waiting for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to resume operation.
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LHC beams and events back in ATLAS
Loud cheers and happy faces fill the ATLAS Control Room while the whole detector lights up: protons are back today at the experiment's door, and everybody forgets in a second the long year of waiting for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to resume operation.
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Yongsheng Gao
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ATLAS Preparing for Collisions in Late-2009
The most recent schedule envisions beam reaching ATLAS in late November with low-energy collisions shortly thereafter.
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Hans Peter Beck
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Nabil Ghodbane
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