ATLAS Live talk: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Higgs boson with Dr. David Rousseau
On 31 March 2022 at 8pm CEST, Dr. David Rousseau will give a live public talk on the ATLAS Youtube Channel on the role artificial intelligence plays in particle physics research.
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Summary of new ATLAS results from 2022 Winter Conferences
The winter conference season is in full swing! 2022 marks the return of full auditoriums and coffee-break chats, as the La Thuile and Rencontres de Moriond conferences welcome participants to venues in the Italian Alps. These are the first large-scale, international particle physics conferences to be held in person in the COVID era – reuniting experimentalists and theorists after almost two years of virtual meetings.
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And the ATLAS Thesis Awards go to…
Behind nearly every great ATLAS result lies an outstanding PhD student! Students are a key cohort of the ATLAS Collaboration, making critical contributions to the experiment while working on their degree. Every year, the Collaboration comes together to celebrate their work in the context of the ATLAS Thesis Awards.
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ATLAS Live talk: Exploring electroweak phenomena with Dr. Karolos Potamianos
On 17 February 2022 at 8pm CET, Dr. Karolos Potamianos will give a live public talk on the ATLAS Youtube Channel on the study of the electroweak force and the role it plays in the Universe.
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Summary of new ATLAS results from Lepton Photon 2021
The 30th International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies (Lepton Photon 2021) kicks off today. Explore the ATLAS results that will be presented.
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ATLAS Live talk: Building the Data Haystack with Dr Heather Russell
On 22 November 2021 at 8pm CET, Dr. Heather Russell will give a live public talk on the ATLAS Youtube Channel on the "trigger", the ATLAS event selection system.
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Detectors for a new era of ATLAS physics
4 November 2021, Geneva. The ATLAS Experiment at CERN welcomes a brand-new detector: the Muon New Small Wheel system. Its successful installation follows nearly a decade of design and construction, and marks a major milestone in ATLAS’ high-luminosity era.
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Bringing new life to ATLAS data
The ATLAS Collaboration is breathing new life into its LHC Run-2 dataset, recorded from 2015 to 2018. Physicists will be reprocessing the entire dataset – nearly 18 PB of collision data – using an updated version of the ATLAS offline analysis software (Athena). Not only will this improve ATLAS physics measurements and searches, it will also position the Collaboration well for the upcoming challenges of Run 3 and beyond.
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ATLAS Live talk: Studying the top quark at the LHC with Dr Maria Moreno Llácer
On 23 September 2021 at 8pm CEST, Dr. Maria Moreno Llácer will give a live public talk on the ATLAS Youtube Channel on the top quark. She will explain what makes this quark such a unique particle and describe the role it plays in the search for new physics.
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ATLAS highlights from the EPS-HEP 2021 conference
ATLAS’ vibrant physics programme was on full display at EPS-HEP 2021, with members presenting 26 new physics analyses among other key recent results. These were shown in 63 presentations and 45 posters over the five days.
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Summary of new ATLAS results from EPS-HEP 2021
The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP 2021) kicks off today. Explore the ATLAS results that will be presented.
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The Last Quark
Twenty-five years on from the discovery of the top quark, ATLAS physicist Richard Hawkings discusses the history of the particle's discovery, its place in the Standard Model and what it has still yet to tell us.
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Live from the ATLAS experiment
In celebration of the lowering of the first New Small Wheel detector, CERN is hosting a 360° live event from the ATLAS cavern! Tune in on Thursday 15 July at 5pm CEST.
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ATLAS Live talk: Deciphering the Higgs boson with Dr Hongtao Yang
On 1 July 2021, Dr. Hongtao Yang will be giving a live public talk, sharing the story of the Higgs boson's discovery by the ATLAS and CMS experiments. He will explain what ATLAS physicists have learned about this fascinating particle so far, and describe the next steps in its exploration.
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ATLAS celebrates results of 1000 collision papers
The ATLAS Collaboration celebrates the creativity, wealth and scientific impact enshrined in its 1000 papers using LHC collision data. This work – together with that carried out by its sister experiments at the LHC – represents a diversified physics programme that is unprecedented and unequalled in physics research to date.
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Summary of new ATLAS results from LHCP 2021
The ninth annual conference on Large Hadron Collider physics (LHCP 2021) begins today in video-conference rooms around the world.
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ATLAS Live talk: How to study matter at a trillion degrees with Dr. Anne Sickles
Soon after the Big Bang, the Universe was too hot for normal matter to exist. Instead, it was made up of an extremely hot liquid of quarks and gluons: the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). In this live talk, Dr. Anne Marie Sickles explains how physicists at the ATLAS experiment are studying the QGP and what they've have learned.
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First ATLAS New Small Wheel nears completion
On Friday 28 May 2021, teams of physicists and engineers installed the final "wedge" of the first ATLAS New Small Wheel detector. This was an important milestone for the Collaboration, in preparation for the wheel’s installation in the ATLAS cavern later this summer.
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ATLAS Live talk: From Data to Discovery with Dr. James Catmore
Making a scientific breakthrough in 2021 requires more than just a microscope – most scientists rely on powerful computers and ingenious software to carry out their research. In this live talk, Dr. James Catmore explains the advanced computing and software techniques used by the ATLAS Experiment.
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Supporting talented students with the ATLAS PhD Grant
On 13 April 2021, the recipients of this year's ATLAS PhD Grant were celebrated in an online ceremony. These talented and motivated students will receive 1.5 years of funding for their studies at CERN, giving them the opportunity to enhance their doctoral studies in a one-of-a-kind research environment.
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ATLAS highlights from the Moriond 2021 conferences
The ATLAS Collaboration presented a host of brand-new results at Moriond spanning a broad range of subjects, from further tests of the Standard Model to searches for new phenomena motivated by as-yet unresolved mysteries of particle physics.
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Summary of new ATLAS results from Moriond 2021
Since 1966, Les Rencontres de Moriond has united experimentalists and theorists for weeks of scientific discussion. 2021 is no exception – but instead of in-person chats over coffee in La Thuile (Italy), physicists will be sharing their new findings in online meetings.
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ATLAS: now under new management
The ATLAS Collaboration welcomes new management this month, with Andreas Hoecker (CERN) taking the lead as Spokesperson for the experiment.
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Students step into the limelight: ATLAS awards excellent PhD theses
ATLAS PhD students are a key cohort of the Collaboration, making unique and crucial contributions to the experiment while working on their degree. Every year, their work is celebrated in the context of the ATLAS Thesis Awards.
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ATLAS recognises the outstanding achievements of Collaboration members
The 2020 ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Awards ceremony was held online on 11 February 2021. Established in 2014, the awards recognise outstanding contributions in support of the ATLAS experiment, covering all areas except physics analysis.
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