ATLAS Experiment records “first physics” at new high-energy frontier
“We have proton collisions in the ATLAS experiment.” At 16.47 CEST, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) officially kicked off its third period of operation (Run 3). The LHC is colliding proton beams at a world-record-breaking energy of 13.6 tera electron volts (TeV). The higher beam energy and intensity of Run 3 will allow the ATLAS experiment to push the very limits of its physics research.
LHC Run 3 starts
The Large Hadron Collider is ready to once again start delivering proton collisions to experiments, this time at an unprecedented energy of 13.6 TeV, marking the start of the accelerator’s third run of data taking for physics.
ATLAS explores the self-interaction of the Higgs boson
In the most recent effort to constrain the Higgs self-coupling constant, ATLAS physicists used the full Run 2 dataset (collected during 2015-2018) to perform a combined study on the production of a single Higgs boson and two Higgs bosons. This single-Higgs analysis was featured in a paper released in Nature today, looking back on 10 years of Higgs boson research at the ATLAS Experiment
10 years of Higgs research
The ATLAS Collaboration at CERN has released its most comprehensive overview of the Higgs boson. The new paper, published in the journal Nature, comes exactly ten years after ATLAS announced the discovery of the Higgs boson. In celebration of this anniversary, a special all-day symposium on the Higgs boson is currently underway at CERN.
ATLAS & CMS Higgs study 2022
The collaborations have used the largest samples of proton–proton collision data recorded so far by the experiments to study the unique particle in unprecedented detail.
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ATLAS Pixel detector in Run 3
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is on the eve of a new data harvest with the restart of the LHC for Run 3. The upcoming four-year run will provide a dataset nearly twice the size of what was collected in Run 2 (2015–2018).
Outstanding Achievement Awards
The ATLAS Collaboration held the 6th Outstanding Achievement Awards Ceremony at CERN on 23 June 2022. Once every two years, these awards give recognition to the invaluable technical work made across the collaboration in all areas.
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Harnessing a supercomputer for ATLAS
ATLAS researchers are exploring the potential of High Performance Computing (HPC). HPC harnesses the power of purpose-built supercomputers constructed from specialised hardware, and is used widely in other scientific disciplines.
ATLAS measures symmetry of Higgs boson decays to tau leptons
The ATLAS Collaboration has just released a new measurement of the CP properties of H→ττ interactions. The study of H→ττ allows researchers to understand the CP-nature of Higgs boson interactions.
Searches united
The ATLAS Collaboration has released a new combined search for heavy vector bosons, which includes 13 individual searches studying different final states. The new combination includes, for the first time, a dedicated search for heavy particles decaying to third-generation leptons (taus).
ATLAS looks for top quarks going against the current
Using the full Run-2 dataset, the ATLAS Collaboration has published four analyses searching for flavour-changing neutral currents in the production and decay of the top quark. The results study top-quark processes involving all four neutral bosons: the photon, gluon, Z boson and Higgs boson.
Summary of new ATLAS results from LHCP 2022
The tenth edition of the annual conference on Large Hadron Collider physics (LHCP 2022) begins today in video-conference rooms around the world.
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Looking inside trillion degree matter with ATLAS at the LHC
Stars, planets, animals, plants, you and me – everything that can be directly observed in our Universe is ordinary matter. But the Universe didn’t always look this way. This ATLAS feature describes the quark-gluon plasma, a unique state of matter that existed shortly after the Big Bang. The nature and properties of this matter are being revealed at CERN’s ATLAS Experiment.
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Beams splash in ATLAS
After over three years of upgrade and maintenance work, proton beams are back in the Large Hadron Collider! Friday 22 April 2022 marked the start of the LHC’s third operation period (Run 3), which will see a record number of collisions in the ATLAS detector.
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Mass matters – but it isn't the only thing!
The ATLAS Collaboration finds evidence of parton mass, colour-charge and radiation-pattern dependence in quark-gluon-plasma induced energy loss.
ATLAS gives new insight into dijet suppression in heavy-ion collisions
At the recent Quark Matter 2022 conference in Krakow, Poland, members of the ATLAS Collaboration presented a new study of “jets” of particles travelling through the QGP. The result provides new insight into dijet suppression due to interactions with the nuclear medium.
ATLAS observes pairs of tau particles in heavy-ion collisions
Today at the Quark Matter 2022 Conference, the ATLAS Collaboration announced the observation of tau-lepton pairs created when particles of light – or photons – interact during lead-ion collisions. The result opens a new avenue for measuring how magnetic the tau lepton is – a property sensitive to new particles beyond the Standard Model.
ATLAS highlights from the Moriond 2022 conference
As one of the most exciting and promising experiments for new crucial discoveries in the field of high-energy particle physics, ATLAS contributed many novel results presented in dedicated talks at the recent Rencontres de Moriond conference.
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ATLAS strengthens its search for supersymmetry
Where is all the new physics? Could it be sneaking past the standard searches? ATLAS researchers have developed innovative ways to search for new particles, improving their search programme to ensure they have the best chance of discovering new physics in Run 3 of the LHC.
Search for new physics in Higgs boson decays with displaced photons
The ATLAS Collaboration performed a new search for exotic Higgs-boson decays using the full dataset of 13 TeV proton-proton collisions delivered by the LHC between 2015 and 2018.
One Higgs boson found – could there be more?
Many theories suggest that the Higgs boson discovered in 2012 by the ATLAS Experiment is but the first to be observed from a larger Higgs family. A new ATLAS analysis searches for the presence of a new singly-charged Higgs boson.
ATLAS Live talk: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Higgs boson with Dr. David Rousseau
On 31 March 2022 at 8pm CEST, Dr. David Rousseau will give a live public talk on the ATLAS Youtube Channel on the role artificial intelligence plays in particle physics research.
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ATLAS reports first observation of single top-photon production
The ATLAS Collaboration announces the first observation of “tqγ production”: the associated production of a single top quark and a photon in proton-proton collisions at the LHC.
ATLAS seeks out unusual signatures of long-lived particles
The ATLAS Collaboration has devised a range of new strategies to look for long-lived particles with various possible characteristics. Four new results from this effort were presented at the recent Lepton-Photon and La Thuile conferences.
Summary of new ATLAS results from 2022 Winter Conferences
The winter conference season is in full swing! 2022 marks the return of full auditoriums and coffee-break chats, as the La Thuile and Rencontres de Moriond conferences welcome participants to venues in the Italian Alps. These are the first large-scale, international particle physics conferences to be held in person in the COVID era – reuniting experimentalists and theorists after almost two years of virtual meetings.
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